May 15, 2018Sesamoid Injuries in the FootIt’s been a while since I added a running foot injury to by blog. I thank Dr. Nicole Heyward for providing me with the information on […]
May 21, 2018On Running Injuries……Mine, Yours and Ours….Last week I posted about sesamoid injuries in the foot. Someone then asked me something to the tone of, “I have an injury of such and […]
June 18, 2018Tips for Summer Running……Summer is here – a time for pools and beaches and…. 90 degree weather and….running IN this weather. Of course, you can hide in an air-conditioned […]
June 24, 2018Effortless Marathon TrainingWhat is it about running a marathon that makes it so hard for you? It is a huge effort to train and, while there are some […]
July 24, 2018Form Form Form…..A runner’s form is like his or her’s handwriting. It is a natural way of using arms and legs and propelling yourself forwards. Over a short […]
August 14, 2018On Injuries – Ankle FracturesIt’s been a while, but I will again go to an expert, Dr. Nicole Heyward to explain an ankle fracture to us runners. She already went […]
November 6, 2018On Foot Problems – GoutGout – ugh – sounds like a terrible thing to have and a terrible thing to have in your FOOT, especially as a runner. When you […]
November 24, 2018On Planned Rest……A runner likes to run almost to the point that, especially if you include those that have long streaks of not missing a day, it becomes […]
December 25, 20182019 Wishes for All Runners…..It is my wish for you to have a great 2019….. If you are ready to peak for a big race…… If you lost your running […]
February 13, 2019Frustrating Times….I tell all my runners that if they had a PR (Personal Record) every race that they ran, we would all eventually become Olympians. Of course […]