After running without guidance for 15 years, I started working with a new running group and coach.
I forgot to practice what I teach all of my runners and that is to join a group and a coach who will help you get better results.
My business coach pointed out to me that I might slightly be out of integrity in that regard, and so I decided to man up and ask for help… I decided to get help and improve my performance once again.
Once I started training with this team, I had a realization that I was waiting for too long on the sidelines.. I mean, I totally missed out – and it’s not like this is a new lesson to me – I mean, I did this several years ago and improved my performance by a lot – and it was fun to run with a team, but you know, life happened and I’m only human, so I forgot that I need this kind of guidance too!
But anyway, if you know me at all, you know I don’t have a problem taking action. I signed on to a new training regimen and I did EVERYTHING on the schedule. I was SO DETERMINED to get all I can out of the training and to improve my performance. learned a new way of training and, because I ignored my body, it led me to get injured.
My biggest lesson out of it was that my method of running coaching is unique.
This coach is superb and delivers amazing results and I look forward to working more with this team when I recover, but through the process, I was blinding myself to all that I have learned for 30 years.
I didn’t listen to my body 100%.
One of the core principles of my work is mindset and mindfulness and I was totally tuned out of it – and this is how I got injured. Looking back, my body gave me hints at least 3 different times that I should have slowed down a bit – I partially listened and did take some time at points, but I was determined to make it work by virtually following the schedule to the exact point without compromise. That’s what I did without any issues before – WHEN I WAS 22! But now I’m 50 and I need to temper my expectations.
Tomorrow I am going to live with a 3 part video series on WHY Running is, hands down, one of the best exercise to improve your overall wellness, get fit, get energized, lose weight and change your lifestyle (all in one shot) – before you decide it’s not for you, watch this short video series and you will CHANGE your mind!
In my coaching, I focus heavily on Mindset, which a lot of coaches do not.
Just so you know, mindset is what allows you to create long lasting results – it’s not the coach, it’s not the strategy, it’s the mindset, and sometimes you need a mentor to help you get there. I see the 80 year old runners out there and I want to be one of them – someday. That has always been my mantra – knowing myself and my body so well, so that running becomes a lifestyle, not just a 5-year peak to look back on.