Cold Weather Running – Tips & Tricks
This winter has gripped the entire country with cold temperatures and frequent storms. Thankfully, we can see the light at the end of the tunnel. But as always, make sure you have enough layers. Bring enough water or fluids. Even if it is 4 degrees, you are still sweating and need to replace as you go along. Make sure your fluids are warm at the beginning as they can freeze fast. I fill my water/electrolytes the night before and leave it near the heat until I go out. Four days ago I was left holding a block of electrolyte ice the last 4 miles so obviously it wasn’t warm enough. Friends and a cell phone are a must as you don’t want to be stranded in this cold. Just 10 minutes with soaked sweaty clothes in frigid temperatures without moving can get you in trouble just as fast. Finally, when you are done, get into the shower asap, or at least some dry clothes until you can get to a warm place. Persevere – that is why we run in the first place – the warmer weather will come. #running #runningtips #runningcoach #coldweatherrunning