Tips and Tricks for all runners
July 23, 2021
As the Covid crisis is starting to wane, races are coming back. As races come back, so does the sport of running. If you are not […]
December 19, 2014
You see the hill in front of you and it is imposing. “How the heck am I going to get to the top?”, you say. Relax […]
December 19, 2014
The winter is coming and many of you may be fearing the colder weather. Just be smart when you run. Obviously not everyone has or even […]
December 19, 2014
The holidays are here and it is a good time to reflect upon the past year and plan your goals for the new year. Was it […]
December 30, 2014
Jan 2015: Last month I talked about setting goals. There is nothing wrong with setting too many. But be true to yourself and be realistic. If […]
January 3, 2015
This was a funny article about mud runs for beginners. It focuses on bigger events, but it is humorous and gives you an idea of what […]
January 3, 2015
Too many runners run too fast too much of the time. I have always said that approximately 80-90% of your running should be at a comfortable […]
January 6, 2015
Those first steps on fresh snow are wonderful for me. As a runner, nothing is worse than rain. It just soaks through everything and, unless it […]
January 22, 2015
You now have your next goal picked out. You chose the couch to 5K or a marathon or a triathlon – whatever it is. Presumably your coach […]
February 1, 2015
Sometimes it is hard to decipher all the information you hear from other runners. Remember, every person is different. Just because the legendary US miler Jim […]
February 10, 2015
I already talked about how to conquer your fear of hills. Hills are actually a great way to get a better running workout. By incorporating hills into […]
February 18, 2015
Make sure you balance your hard work running with proper nutrition. Muscles need protein for repair and recovery. Within 30 minutes of your workout, get a minimum of 20g […]
February 24, 2015
This winter has gripped the entire country with cold temperatures and frequent storms. Thankfully, we can see the light at the end of the tunnel. But […]
February 24, 2015
This winter has gripped the entire country with cold temperatures and frequent storms. Thankfully, we can see the light at the end of the tunnel. But […]
March 7, 2015
Chafing and running – doesn’t have to be synonymous if you are prepared. As we run longer and longer distances, the odds that one will chafe […]
March 20, 2015
A short one today….when you have to ‘go’ before a race, get right on line. “The Line Will Only Get Longer”. Simple. But I have to […]
March 23, 2015
Some days during a race, there are terrible high headwinds (as was during my Miles for Music 20K yesterday). Unless it is a teammate and you […]
Hi, I’m Nick and I have been running for 37 years. I am an expert in health and fitness and I can turn anyone into a runner within 9 weeks. My blog is full of tips, tricks and information on various running topics.