August 21, 2015Running With Your KidsI have been running since I was 12 and I have run with all kinds of runners – faster, slower, older, younger, men, women… But until this […]
October 12, 2015On Passing….There are moments in every race where you have a chance to pass someone in a race. But when? Is it too soon? Let’s go over […]
April 3, 2016Beginner Runners…You might remember where you started – that first track meet, that first step….somehow you became a runner. But you all have friends that say, “I’ll […]
April 17, 2016Your First 5K….Some of us have run hundreds of 5K’s…..even hundreds of marathons. If you’ve run 5K’s – can you remember your 1st one? If you have never […]
April 24, 2016Beginner Runner TipsYou made the step to start….whatever the reason is, it was personal to you….what are the pitfalls? I am quoting an article posted in Best Running […]
June 27, 2016On Running & Your FamilyI’m sure you all have the perfect running family…….: You: “Honey, I’m going for a (insert time) run and then I’m going for some drinks with […]
June 27, 2016On Running & Your FamilyI’m sure you all have the perfect running family…….: You: “Honey, I’m going for a (insert time) run and then I’m going for some drinks with […]
December 26, 2016Miles Are Not Important – IIYes – the number of miles you run per year is not important. You did read this correctly. The number of miles you run per week, month and […]
January 3, 20172016 – A Year In Review – Your RunningIf you had to summarize your running year in one word, what would it be? Mine would be “Almost”. I ran my 3rd best Manchester Classic, […]
January 11, 2017On Fun Running…I sit here at school watching 4th graders run around during gym class and I see the joy i their faces. It is such a nice […]
February 14, 2017Running…the Cheapest Sport!If you are thrifty like me as a former accountant or just looking for one of the most optimal workouts that gets you in shape the […]
May 17, 2017Why Do You Run?People ask me all the time why I like running. While everyone has their own reasons, my main one is that I really like to do […]
January 15, 2018Youth Running – Where to StartSome of us started running when we were adults – I know many people that started in their late 30’s and 40’s. However there are some […]
December 25, 20182019 Wishes for All Runners…..It is my wish for you to have a great 2019….. If you are ready to peak for a big race…… If you lost your running […]
November 17, 2019On Turkey Trots – 2019 VersionEvery year I remind people to run or walk on Thanksgiving morning! It’s almost turkey time – and that means food, football games, food, family, […]